When did you get involved in EcoWomen? Why?
I joined EcoWomen in early 2023 and am excited to serve as Vice President this year. I'm interested in promoting female leadership and development in professional roles that benefit women and the environment. Becoming a board member enables me to engage, network and learn. Plus, helping grow a valuable organization like EcoWomen is important to me.
What sparked your interest in the environment/ environmental movement?
I had the privilege of traveling to many national parks as a child and knew how important it was to preserve undeveloped land. But it wasn't until my family moved to Oregon when I was in college, that I began to understand how conservation and preservation impacts our lives. My passion for recycling grew as I saw how efficiently and effectively Oregon recycled beverage containers. Also, spending time in several local and state parks around Oregon, helped me understand the value in being part of the environmental movement, whether as an individual properly disposing of their waste or an organization implementing important environmental, social and governance (ESG) initiatives.
What’s something exciting that you’re working on (directly related to your career or otherwise)?
For over 4 years, I have worked toward earning my MBA with a focus in Environmental Management at UHCL and will be graduating in a few months. Taking one online class at a time when I could fit it into my schedule and afford the tuition was challenging, but I am committed to completing this program. I'm proud of myself for not giving up when life threw many curve balls my way, from a global pandemic to job losses to the challenges parents encounter raising kids in today's world.
What keeps you motivated?
My daughter! She is such an amazing human and she is my biggest cheerleader! Also, my customers. I see how dedicated they are to America's energy transition and it is very motivating!
Do you have any advice for those who are new to the environmental movement?
Yes, try not to get too overwhelmed or discouraged! It's okay to acknowledge the planet is warmer and that we will continue to feel the negative effects of climate change. However, humans have the ability to solve most of the problems we are facing. It's going to take cooperation, trust, ingenuity, compassion and persistence. Be a leader in your community, family or office and pick an environmental cause that means a lot to you. It feels good to make a difference, no matter how big or small!